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Hi blog I buzzed my hair…. Since my freshman year of high school I have had longish hair. I’ve found a ton of confidence in my hair for many years. The long curls in a way defined me in my own eyes. I felt like I started to become actually ME with the hair. I found a new friend group in high school with the long hair, found a passion for photography with the long hair, got my first girlfriend with the long hair, graduated high school with the long hair… and yes, I found a real relationship with Jesus with the long hair. 


But since coming on the race my faith in God has grown abundantly, so much that I honestly feel like a new man. About a week ago, I felt like God was asking me to buzz my hair. I didn’t know why at first, and I really didn’t want to, like I said the hair defined me. 


But after a week of praying through it, and praying that God would give me someone to do it with me, He came through in multiple ways. Kaylin one of the team leaders on my trip showed me a video of why she shaved her head a year ago, the whole time watching I felt god tugging at my heart that he wanted me to. And later this same night my good friend Hayden who is on my team decided out of the blue he was gonna shave his head. I knew right away I was supposed to do it with him. So I did it, I stepped into a completely new look, and I took a step further into all in faithfulness in God. God has shown me that how I look does not define me, because I know who I am in his eyes.. and that silly hair doesn’t matter. 

7 responses to “Chop”

  1. Way to trust Him, man-that’s a big one! I had a similar experience when I was about 19 or 20 and someone gave me what I thought was going to be “just a trim on top” and turned into an immediate reverse Mohawk! ??????????????

  2. You are so much more than hair, and for the first time in your life you believe it! It shows every time we get to talk to you. Your confidence in who God has made you to be is incredible and I can’t wait to see how He uses your obedience to define your future!

  3. I’m glad you did it! Even though at times we don’t always understand what God is asking us to do – I can say that anytime I have followed through on what God was asking me to do, He has been faithful and there’s been a blessing in it – whether it’s for me or someone else. What matters is that you are clearly hearing His voice. And then listening to it! So proud of you. Miss you and love you, BuddyPalDudeManGuy!

  4. How true! And how brave of you to listen to God’s voice and act on it. Our identity is in Christ, and Christ alone. Not in how we look or what jobs we have, etc.
    Now, could you possibly talk Gus into a nice haircut too? (Just kidding) 🙂

  5. You will never regret saying YES, to the Lord.
    It’s so cool watching you walk in obedience, continue to walk in obedience.
    Never be satisfied with what the world has to offer!
    Love you big, Jason